Are Content and Copy the Same Thing?
While we may use them interchangeably, there’s a noticeable and important difference between content and copy.

It’s Time to Get Out of Survival Mode and Into Success Mode - Here’s How
It’s been so long, that you might think survival mode is now the “new normal” mode, but it’s not. Not sure if that anxious feeling is your body fighting a close-by danger or how to get back into success mode? Here’s how.

Is Blogging Still Relevant in 2022?
Often we can feel like our own content will get washed away in the competition. Fortunately for you, there are millions upon millions of people who search for blog posts every day, and according to where you’re located and your specific keywords and reputation, you’re still going to be seen.

How to Bounce Back into Work After a Period of Grief or Trauma
Here’s how I bounced back into work after a period of grief and how you can, if you’ve made it this far, do the same. It’s hard but needs to be done in order to get back to your path towards success.

How to Deal With Different Types of Feedback as a Freelancer
Over my many years of writing freelance, I still haven’t grown hard to this type of feedback. However, I have come up with strategies for dealing with different types of feedback (I’ve seen them all) that have given me the ability to make it through each one with minimal scarring.

Start Showing Pride in Your Work
We’ve all done it. We’ve gotten so set in our work that it starts to become a chore than an actual passion. It doesn’t matter what that work may be, whether you’re a graphic designer, a writer, or a fry cook at McDonald’s.

Intimidated by Imposter Syndrome
I have been told so often that feminism and wanting men and women to be equal are not the same thing because women and men are already equal and by offering help and support to women to help bridge the gap that is still there, we are being sexist and not feminist.